I haven’t given much thought to this little place in a long time…life gets on top of you and BOOM its like less than 90 days till Christmas!!!!What the???
I also decided with trying to get back into blogging – i should update the look of the blog, hope you like it! It’s new and fresh so hopefully a little more motivating for me to get back here more often and post!
I have been consistently contacted via email in regards to VBACs… so i this place is always in the back of my mind, and i dont want to let this go. I am working on finishing the VBAC tip’s posts…just kinda waiting on other people to get back to me. In the mean time I’m thinking about putting together a VBAC reading list, and maybe get in contact with other mumma’s that have had VBACs and in particular VBA2+C’s for their birth stories… The times are changing and women are fighting against the system that is supposed to be “for them” and questioning…not in a I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR sort of way, just a quiet determination that things ARE POSSIBLE, other paths are ok to venture down… once a Cesarean always as Cesarean is not the case for every woman…nor is fighting for a VBAC over electing for a cesarean make you more of a woman either. It’s fighting for what you want, in your situation and being ok with that.
So to all those who are reading my blog, stumbling across my blog…. it’s here and open… maybe just not as often as i would like.
Please continue to contact me for Dr Andrew Bisits contacts!! and Betty’s… i am more than happy to point anyone in the right direction.
Love Liza xo
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