Birth Story Part 2. (Part 1 can be found here) The car trip into the hospital was….interesting. To say the least. I honestly thought that the trip / change of scenery during labour would actually stall it or perhaps just help it back down a bit since we had to drive 30 minutes from…
Babies, babies everywhere!
My amazing birth photographer and beautiful friend BRITT had a baby! a VBA2C (Vaginal Birth After 2 Cesareans)… actually it was a HOMEBIRTH! a waterbirth at home after having 2 cesareans! what a trouper!! im so excited and happy for her! She is WAAAAY braver than me, a part of me deep down would have…
The action begins… birth story
Dear Baby, Today is July 2nd 2013…your official due date. I do not appreciate any intentions of yours in being “fashionably late”. You are hereby given a formal eviction notice. Please vacate the premises immediately. Sincerely, The owner of the OVEN. Tuesday July 2nd 2013. D Day….comes and goes (as expected!) although I was “so…
oooops…we did it again…
I know the title probably seem really tactless but its pretty much how we got here. HELLO baby no.4! You may not have been in our plan for now but you are very much loved and wanted and we are very thankful that God chose you for us at this time! We look forward to…
VBAC Tip #2 – Support Support Support!
Choose your caregivers wisely. It will really make a difference. If you are serious about achieving a VBAC then it will be worth while seeking out some sort of VBAC support. This is was the biggest factor for me. This was the reason i failed at my VBAC attempt first time around with Amaya,…