OK. I visited Dr Naturale Ants Pants of babies…Dr Underwood, and he was lovely. I’m going Dairy (which i have been already now for 5+ weeks) and Gluten free…to see if that helps Elliot’s gut. So it’s going to be interesting around here breastfeeding a dairy free and gluten free baby! For now I’m sort…
Food Intolerance
Today is going to be bloody amazing
What a week. What a fortnight! A week filled with all my kids sick coughing all over eachother and infecting eachother with a disgusting cough. A week filled with Elliot waking and staying awake for hours on end in the middle of the night, and catnapping all day. With Amaya waking at night when Elliot…
my poo obsession…
I have a confession…I’m obsessed with poo. But not my poo…Ellie’s poo. She has food intolerance’s that we (as in “me” since i am her food source) are trying to get to the bottom of. I’m 100% sure of dairy, in all forms and traces… but suspecting egg too. So I’m currently dairy free and…