So i started a blog. Finally.
I’ve been thinking about doing it for a while…being a stay at home mum with oh so much time on my hands, juggling a 5 year old, an almost 3 year old and a 3 month old is a piece of cake! I mean *yawn* i just can’t seem to find things to fill up my day…and night! YEH RIGHT.
I actually decided to blog for several reasons, the main one being to have some sort of creative outlet “for me”. When you have kids, especially little kids…life can be so consumed with them, well mine is anyway! I have been feeling for a while that I’m starting to lose myself…my brain is dying a slow and torturous death by ABC Kids TV and total mind numbing “kid-speak” all day long.
Sometimes it feels like the goal of everyday, from the momment i wake up, is to get to the end of the day as fast as i can and get them into bed…so i can breathe!
So here begins my blog… the story of my life from here on in, with bits and pieces from the past too. With life moving faster and faster these days, its nice to think i can sit down and snapshot some stuff to look back on…
I’m not sure where this is going to take me just yet.
So watch this space…
Welcome to The Motherhood Times!
i enjoyed reading your success stories. they were actually inspiring.
my first baby was through c section. this time though i am praying and hoping for a vbac. i dont want to go through the knife again.
thanks for sharing your story.
by the way i live in ghana, west africa (+233241533464)