So more about me? My life at the momment is a beautiful chaos! ….that would be the best description.
I’ve been married to my husband Jake for over 6 years. We married young…I was 22 years old. 8 months in we had an “unplanned” momment and Ethan our first born was conceived! Lucky for us, in a way, we were childhood sweethearts!
Ethan was born in 2006, a big (4185 grams/9Ib 3oz – 57cm long), beautiful healthy boy came screaming into this world after a long and arduous labour (days of prelabour non-stop into established labour) a failed vacuum attempt which resulted in a emergency C-Section. He was 11 days over.
Amaya was booked in born in 2008, another big bubba (4045 grams/ 8Ib 14oz – 55cm long) – our beautiful baby girl via elective C-Section at 39 weeks. She would have been bigger than her brother had i achieved a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). But more on that in another blog later.
And finally….our most recent addition…
Elliot…Elliot Rose to be precise. Yes a girl with the name Elliot, whom we lovingly call Ellie or Ellie Belly or Ellie Belly Boo! Born in March of this year, she came into this world in an uncommon but very natural way…via VBA2C (Vaginal Birth After 2 Cesareans – yes 2 cesareans!). She was my biggest of all (4205 grams / 9Ib 4oz) – with a massive head of 36.5cm and 56cm long…and I pushed her OUT OF MY VAGINA PEOPLE! 3 months ago i pushed that massive baby out! With the support of my amazing husband, my awesome independent midwife legend, Betty Vella and THE. MOST. AMAAAAAZING kick-ass Obstetrician Dr Andrew Bisits at the Royal Womens Hospital Randwick. Please if this is something close to your heart (VBAC’s etc) – contact me I’d love to hear from you and offer any sort of support i can.
By the way, the reasons i put all the weights and lengths etc was because i am in fact a 5ft nothing, who carried and birthed these ginormo babies and i am quite proud that i achieved my VBA2C, knowing full well that this choice or decision is not for everyone. I just feel very blessed that i even had the choice and the full support of those around me.
I’ll blog my birth story later…i haven’t had a chance to put pen to paper about the birth story as yet but its coming! I will post this very soon while it’s fresh in my memory, as i know how important it was to read read read amazing birth stories of women who have gone before whilst preparing for mine!
So that puts me into the now…right now I’m living in a zombie state of sleep deprivation with a baby that still wakes multiple times a night for a feed and we’re also struggling with food intolerances with Elliot reacting to things in my milk as well! Did i mention i can only eat lettuce at the momment? Well not really just lettuce but it feels like that…
Right now I’m just tired…but my heart is full. 🙂
Congratulations on the arrival of gorgeous little Elliot and on your vba2c!
Hope the food intolerances settle down soon.
Hi Kelly – thanks so much. I noticed your email “calmbirth” – We did the calmbirth course here in Sydney in prep for my vba2c. Was a great course!