Dear Jake,
Happy Birthday.
You are 1 year older… surprise surprise!
This year I felt like breaking my slack blog keeping hiatus by publicly declaring my love and affection to you.
So… here goes…
Ok…on a more serious note…
Happy birthday babe. My life is awesome and a lot of that credit goes to you!
You are an amazing father to the most really really ridiculously good looking kids on the planet…ours.
You are a faithful, loving husband. Not just faithful in the sense of “other women” – but faithful to our marriage, to our relationship, to me as an individual. I have watched you grow and mature so much in the last few years thanks to discovering and devouring “the greatest book next to the bible” (in your own words). You constantly challenge me. Push me gently – never letting me settle into comfortable but always wanting the best for me…for us – so you aren’t afraid any more of rocking the boat. You know I’m a big girl and I can take it. After 10 years of marriage I’ve finally learned to wear my big girl panties and suck it up…
most times.
We always look back and say “we’re so lucky” – we found each other young. I was barely 17… the rest is history as they say. We always wonder how the hell we would ever survive the “dating scene” now days.
You are such a talented Builder – gifted with a spirit of excellence. You will never settle for good enough…and this work ethic and strive for only the best has paid off, as you’ve received many accolades publicly recognizing your work in the building industry on a state and national level. I am so proud of you and what you’ve achieved – you’ve built your business… our business from scratch and learned so much along the way.
You’ve helped cultivate a spirit of gratitude and not regret in our family. We look back on seasons and see that they may not have been the straight path forward but we always recognize that those times, those moments, those mistakes shape who we are today.
To my soul mate on your birthday…Here’s to many more celebrations to come.
Happy Birthday my love.
Liza xo
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